This Dance event happens over the course of 3 days...We have 2 preliminary days..and the Main event which will be held during our Anniversary weekend...
The Prelims...May 22nd and 23rd
12 girls to start....6 on each 3 from each day goes on to the Main Event
Theme for the Dance for the Prelims is Captured by the Askari
There is a Time limit of 10 minutes for the dances...and a criteria the girls have been given that they will be judged on...props are allowed
The beginning 12 girls in no particular order are...hayden Ceris, falcon Nacon, aphrodisia Carolina,.tersa Vella, twist Easley, kyss Valeeva, dara Sella, mily Sandalwood, sefa Klaxon, sparkle Kling, ryssa Rain, freja Emerald
A brief statement about these girls from razi berry
"this girl has worked with these twelve kajirae, dancing girls, for the past couple weeks...what this one would like to say is how efficient these girls are, how meticulous they are to detail, how at times would contact them for something and they would either be reading the book Explorers, or searching for the perfect piece of music, making a prop, coming to the dance pit to check size, walking about Schendi for inspiration...just an amazing group of girls which take their dancing very seriously...razi is pleased she has had the honor to meet them...and am beyond excited to see what marvelous dances they will be performing in Schendi for the preliminaries."
We have asked the girls for a photo and something they would like to say about themselves and their Masters, everything written next to their photos are the girls own words.
Hayden Cerise
Kharneth camp kajira
All Inquiries to the Attention of Damion Theas, Kharneth Lieutenant

Smiles, Greetings I'm falcon
Slave of First Sword of Ko-Ro-Ba Dingo Night and his FC, Chief Scribe of Ko-Ro-Ba Arete Calliope.
I have deep passion for dancing, i love trying to weave the sights, the textures the scents around the Masters.
To bring them into the midst, that they feel the dew on the leave, the steamy heat of the jungle, to hear the birds and to smell the delicate perfume of the flowers. Though i struggle and stumble over words, its my wish the love and desire to please shows through.

tersa vella was acquired by Master Deka Ansar on February 4th, 2009. He was not looking or wanting another slave and she was dodging collars like she was in an Olympic game of dodge ball. The very first time He took her on an outing she knew He was a strong Master and had a good heart. she resisted begging to be His and He was a gentleman and didn't poke at the fires that burned in her. After a few months of this dodging the flames, she gave up what was a hopeless plight. she was already captured before the irons ever encircled the slave and she begged to be His.
Master is the Second Sword of Ko-ro-ba. A Warrior. A Man of Honor. she's thankful He didn't gut her when she begged to be His. ~ laughs merrily ~
tersa is His happy go lucky slave that generally causes mischief in the form of harmless pranks whenever she can. she loves to make people laugh as much as she is allowed to do so. she is a gorean dancer and Master's pleasure slave. And no matter what everyone says, ...tersa didn't do it! ~ dimples a totally-believable smile! ~
twist Easely
i was told to write about me, but my Master keeps telling me it is all about Him... so here goes. Master Samos Madrigal was begged one night to save a girl from her hell - from the emptiness and the meandering paths unowned feet seem to take to nowhere. He graciously took the girl under His wing, plopped her at His boot, and now she is in bliss. Master Samos has blessed her life with stability, guidance and true Mastery. He is allowing her to dance in this competition in Schendi, and she is so praying she makes Him proud.....
sparkle Kling
this girl was collared 9th day of January, 2009 by Master RavingRob Radek, a great Warrior ... He placed the metal around ones neck, then proceeded to collar ones heart, capturing each heartbeat that paces only for Him, my strong Master Whose skillful mastery of this one in so many delicious ways takes ones breathe away...
... one dances from ones heart...always...
Also began the Dance Pit Raiders of Gor! with another kajira..the group has grown but has kept it's core values, ★Gorean slave dance to entertain the Free ★Fun and enjoyment ★Friendship and support ★ dancing for Charity, Gorean Relay for Life 2009 & 2010.. "we dance to make a difference"
..... in the middle of the night ... the delicate sound of slave bells can be heard as lightly feet dance ... raiding the Cities ... dancing in their pits delightful morning mist burns away in the heat of the rising sun.... scurry away.. leaving a single silver slave bell... glinting ... in the sands.... la kajira!.
sefa klaxon
Kyss Valeeva
Has been owned by Jason Susenko and his various alias' since being collared 2/14/2007.
Everyone dances for their own reasons.
Mine is for the simple pleasure it gives my Master to know that he instilled the love of dance as written word in me long before it was the thing to do. That being the case I have backed out of active contest dancing and prefer to dance for pleasure and exhibition.
I dance with great joy as a gift from my Master to Master Varik and the anniversary of Schendi.A great example of Gorean beauty and ideals.
Plus, I have a girl crush on Ebi. :)
dara Sella
dara is the beloved kajira of Kadden Dragonash, and honored to be His for the last ten years. she is thankful for the chance to perform for the anniversary of the Port of Schendi and hopes that her dance will please All watching, but most importantly, her Master.
freja Emerald
Chosen by Master Gunnar Viper, this bond serves Him with all her fire and devotion. Always seeking ways to improve and challenge herself to honour His steel. she was thrilled to be offered a spot.
If nothing else it will be most entertaining for the Free to see this northen wench try to understand the beats of the jungle.
ryssa Rain
mily Sandalwood
Owned by Master Kieran Ely
Master is the Chief Phycisian of Tancreds Landingwhy do I dance...
I dance because after i came to belong to my Master I could no longer not,
**the steps ** the music** the words ** the song ** the melody**
it all seemed to come from within me, because of HIM, it feels like bubbles sizzles and just moves inside of me until it is at the surface.
I found my heart and my soul in His collar and it makes me need to dance again.
I pray I will always feel that need to dance for Him and that
He will always wish me to continue.
Aphrodisia Carolina
slave name aph belonging to Saint Shippe, High Commander of The Soaring Herlit.
aph is a long time Gorean dancer from a time and place where dance was only conveyed in text. she enjoys the added visual dimension of dance in SL, but still strives to paint pictures with her words. she has a very present style of writing that draws her audience in with elegant turns of phrase, sensuality and at times raw sexuality. her dances are snapshots of her Gorean life.
she finds Gorean dance a powerful outlet for creativity and emotional expression. she is honored to be able to serve the Free in this way and to represent her homestone and her Master with beauty and fire.
Prelims are over...
First and foremost we would like to thank all the wonderful girls that graced us with their beautiful dances...they did their Masters and the Homestone proud...also a big thank you to all our judges who did a magnificent job....Blaze Seattle, Luckie Mendicant, Mikal Snakeankle, Eean Faddoul,, Dingo Night and Kitrell Axel.
The preliminaries went well...The girls were could see there hard work and heart poured into their dances....
and Schendi's ebony Breda did a wonderful job introducing the girls...with her own Schendi Style...ebi is always a delight in everything she does...she couldnt dance this contest but she still got to present herself magnificently...
The Winners for the Prelims in no particular order...falcon Nacon, mily Sandalwood, kyss Valeeva, hayden Ceris, sparkle Kling, aphrodisia Carolina, tersa Vella
you will notice there are 7 girls and at the beginning of this article we said there would be 6 moving on to the Main event, there was some Mathematical mishaps on the score cards..which as we all know mistakes happen especially math *cringes* after further review the girl that was effected was moved forward to the main event...
Here are some comments made by the girls about what they felt during and after the prelims:
Falcon Nacon: "Enjoying all the wonderfull dances, such creativity and divercity, pretty nervouse i was next and so of corse i crash. smiles so much for arriving an hour early and prepairing lol i dance and then relax the worse is over whew, now i can sit back and enjoy, choosing the winners in my mind. The names are called and im clapping and clapping till im msg and congradulated?!!? i look again omg so many gorgouse dancers and my name is one anounced, i was then dazed and stunned for the next hour and then it hits me i have to write a nother dance! yikes"
sparkle Kling " be asked to participate was a great honour, confirmed when one witnessed all of the dances in the prelims, awesome dancers! To write, to dance in Schendi brought the Land of Gor, Schendi and it's culture to life for this one. Dancing in the prelims was deliciously exciting blended with nervous anticipation... the climax.. was when ones name was called ....the surprise and the joy.. absolute. Then the thought ..... "another dance!"...... ones heart felt the beginning of the excitement ...anticipation .. all over again!"
Hayden Cerise: 'The preliminaries were a wonderful experience in beautiful Schendi.The talent evident throughout the event was truly inspiring for me.The time, energy and effort that each girl puts into one single danceis not known by many. Some pour over their written words for hours onend... spend day after day attempting to find "just the right" musicto accompany her dance... and, of course, the long search foranimations that not only match the rhythm of the chosen music, butcomplement the heart of the dance, as well. It is long process,practiced again and again and again -- but any girl who dances willmost likely tell you -- that they love every aspect of the process.For me, actually performing the dance is the most exhilarating aspect-- I sincerely feel my surrender when I dance my heart. Once the final note trickles, the last animation slows, and the final post of my dance begins to fade .... tears fill my eyes ... for in this way, I serve... I seek to be pleasing.... And... I feel my... surrender."
I am humbled and honored to have been chosen to move onto the finals and to participate in Schendi's Fourth Anniversary - a wonderful celebration! As always, I will write from my heart and hope that my dance is found pleasing... Thank you for allowing me to feel my surrender - through dance.. in Schendi."
Kyss Valeeva: "Asked how I felt about the preliminaries, I came up with this;
Proud, to serve with my dance and represent my owner.
Excited, to be in the midst of a large gathering and to be on display.
Grateful, to be considered among all the other beautiful dancers.
Regretful, always just a bit when I am picked over others who may have fared better in other circumstances.It's always the luck of the day and so many factors and I know each time I dance I am as likely to be the one not chosen as the one that is.
I love Schendi for many reasons.The beautiful build that is always evolving.The Harbor Master and his ideals and spirit.His girl Razi for her kindness and hardwork.The people who wander through the port randomly.Maybe most of all Ebony. One of the first dancer friends I met in SL Gor.She has always epitomized for me what is good in Gorean dance.She has always stayed true to who she is and what she believes no matter what. Faced criticism with good grace and humor.Best of all she makes me smile. This has been a very well orchestrated event and a pleasure to be part of."
slave name aph belonging to Saint Shippe, High Commander of The Soaring Herlit.
aph is a long time Gorean dancer from a time and place where dance was only conveyed in text. she enjoys the added visual dimension of dance in SL, but still strives to paint pictures with her words. she has a very present style of writing that draws her audience in with elegant turns of phrase, sensuality and at times raw sexuality. her dances are snapshots of her Gorean life.
she finds Gorean dance a powerful outlet for creativity and emotional expression. she is honored to be able to serve the Free in this way and to represent her homestone and her Master with beauty and fire.
Prelims are over...
First and foremost we would like to thank all the wonderful girls that graced us with their beautiful dances...they did their Masters and the Homestone proud...also a big thank you to all our judges who did a magnificent job....Blaze Seattle, Luckie Mendicant, Mikal Snakeankle, Eean Faddoul,, Dingo Night and Kitrell Axel.
The preliminaries went well...The girls were could see there hard work and heart poured into their dances....
and Schendi's ebony Breda did a wonderful job introducing the girls...with her own Schendi Style...ebi is always a delight in everything she does...she couldnt dance this contest but she still got to present herself magnificently...
The Winners for the Prelims in no particular order...falcon Nacon, mily Sandalwood, kyss Valeeva, hayden Ceris, sparkle Kling, aphrodisia Carolina, tersa Vella
you will notice there are 7 girls and at the beginning of this article we said there would be 6 moving on to the Main event, there was some Mathematical mishaps on the score cards..which as we all know mistakes happen especially math *cringes* after further review the girl that was effected was moved forward to the main event...
Here are some comments made by the girls about what they felt during and after the prelims:

I am humbled and honored to have been chosen to move onto the finals and to participate in Schendi's Fourth Anniversary - a wonderful celebration! As always, I will write from my heart and hope that my dance is found pleasing... Thank you for allowing me to feel my surrender - through dance.. in Schendi."
Kyss Valeeva: "Asked how I felt about the preliminaries, I came up with this;
Proud, to serve with my dance and represent my owner.
Excited, to be in the midst of a large gathering and to be on display.
Grateful, to be considered among all the other beautiful dancers.
Regretful, always just a bit when I am picked over others who may have fared better in other circumstances.It's always the luck of the day and so many factors and I know each time I dance I am as likely to be the one not chosen as the one that is.
I love Schendi for many reasons.The beautiful build that is always evolving.The Harbor Master and his ideals and spirit.His girl Razi for her kindness and hardwork.The people who wander through the port randomly.Maybe most of all Ebony. One of the first dancer friends I met in SL Gor.She has always epitomized for me what is good in Gorean dance.She has always stayed true to who she is and what she believes no matter what. Faced criticism with good grace and humor.Best of all she makes me smile. This has been a very well orchestrated event and a pleasure to be part of."
Aphrodisia Carolina"First, aph would like to say that it was a surprise and a great honor to be invited to perform in the preliminaries. i felt that because of that very fact, it really inspired me to create something to the utmost of my abilities. i put much more into my "Askari Prize" dance than any other i have to date.
It was a joy to be a part of this competition... to be there both days to watch my sisters of the sands do their thing. to see the talent and creativity of the girls who danced before and after me, blew me away... making me feel even more honored to be counted among them.
razi did a fantastic job with the organization of this event and made it fun for all of us. group chat was filled with laughter, support and good times. everything was very smooth, efficient & drama-free. ebi was wonderful, as always.
i was very happy to win a place in the finale and humbly offer that i felt confident all along i would be advancing. i had been thinking for days about what my next dance would be for the theme of Schendi Heat, but it wasn't until i watched freyja dance that i was struck with inspiration on what direction to go with my finale piece. i am really excited about the finale and look forward to attending, performing and watching the event.
Congrats to Schendi for making it to your 4th anniversary and thank You for inviting this humble slave to be a part of the festivities.
Mily Sandalwood: "I have to say I much enjoyed the Sunday (where I didnt dance grins) over the Saturday for the prelims. It was such a thrill sitting there and watching the girls seeing all the creativity and delight in the amazing dancers that were gathered. I know I am odd when I admit this but my favourite part is the nerves before the dance then the pure calmness as I step unto the dance pit focusing upon what is happening now before relief rushes over me as I am done only for the nerves to build again as you await the judges decision.. purrrsss low delicious simply delicious..
for moving on to final I felt surprise at having my name called out as one of the dancers to go through to the final it was such a strong field I felt it open for any of the dancers to go through. The overwhelming feeling however was Master squeezing me tightly and my pleasure soared as I saw His delight in my moving onward ."
So on to the Main Event....
Main Event June 5th 2pm to 5pm...
Starting at 2...will be Dar Ruska and his darlings...
Then an exhibition by Schendi's own ebony honor of her idol Josephine Baker
ebony will be doing a dance she has written just for this exhibition...a mixture of Schendi and her always ebi should be a real treat to watch...
The girl ebony belongs to the Port of Schendi. Her dances are usually traditional, often wild, and always --- Schendi-style!
Her inspiration in real life is Josephine Baker,a black jazz-age dancer, who was frustrated by censorship and racism in 1920’s America . She traveled to France , where she became the toast of Paris, and later, of all Europe.
Her combination of child-like playfulness and shameless animal sexuality was obvious in her dances, which ebony finds very --- suitable --- to her own personality, AND ---fitting for a kajira of the jungle!
Schendi Heat to Follow
Theme of the Main Event is "Schendi Heat"
Which can be looked at from many ways...Think of the tropics...Jungles...major import export city of over a million folks..The girls was reminded that they will be dancing in Utukufu square in the middle of schendi, a huge city, and was asked to try to keep a connection...Schendi is found in Explorers of Gor Book 13
my Master said that in his opinion....that "certainly a dance can be a type of dance,submission, chain, tether, etc and still have a theme such as in this case Schendi Heat"
Dance Rules...
10 min time limit...props are allowed...the dancers get to choose their own music
There will be 3 judges
There will be prizes awarded to all girls...5000L for first...2500L for second...1250L for 3rd.. and 500L for the remaining girls
It was a joy to be a part of this competition... to be there both days to watch my sisters of the sands do their thing. to see the talent and creativity of the girls who danced before and after me, blew me away... making me feel even more honored to be counted among them.
razi did a fantastic job with the organization of this event and made it fun for all of us. group chat was filled with laughter, support and good times. everything was very smooth, efficient & drama-free. ebi was wonderful, as always.
i was very happy to win a place in the finale and humbly offer that i felt confident all along i would be advancing. i had been thinking for days about what my next dance would be for the theme of Schendi Heat, but it wasn't until i watched freyja dance that i was struck with inspiration on what direction to go with my finale piece. i am really excited about the finale and look forward to attending, performing and watching the event.
Congrats to Schendi for making it to your 4th anniversary and thank You for inviting this humble slave to be a part of the festivities.
Mily Sandalwood: "I have to say I much enjoyed the Sunday (where I didnt dance grins) over the Saturday for the prelims. It was such a thrill sitting there and watching the girls seeing all the creativity and delight in the amazing dancers that were gathered. I know I am odd when I admit this but my favourite part is the nerves before the dance then the pure calmness as I step unto the dance pit focusing upon what is happening now before relief rushes over me as I am done only for the nerves to build again as you await the judges decision.. purrrsss low delicious simply delicious..
for moving on to final I felt surprise at having my name called out as one of the dancers to go through to the final it was such a strong field I felt it open for any of the dancers to go through. The overwhelming feeling however was Master squeezing me tightly and my pleasure soared as I saw His delight in my moving onward ."
It IS an honor to get to share the sands with the girls that she is dancing with here at Schendi and she felt that honor even more when she advanced to the next round. The girls tersa danced with were amazing, absolutely wonderful. she is so thankful tersa is not a judge and she thanks Them for advancing the tersa girlie.
Well, she has a costume picked out, and a song.. Now all she needs to do is paint the painting with the written words! ~ giggles ~ tersa looks forward to getting to step foot in the Schendi sands again!"
So on to the Main Event....
Main Event June 5th 2pm to 5pm...
Starting at 2...will be Dar Ruska and his darlings...
Then an exhibition by Schendi's own ebony honor of her idol Josephine Baker
ebony will be doing a dance she has written just for this exhibition...a mixture of Schendi and her always ebi should be a real treat to watch...
The girl ebony belongs to the Port of Schendi. Her dances are usually traditional, often wild, and always --- Schendi-style!
Her inspiration in real life is Josephine Baker,a black jazz-age dancer, who was frustrated by censorship and racism in 1920’s America . She traveled to France , where she became the toast of Paris, and later, of all Europe.
Her combination of child-like playfulness and shameless animal sexuality was obvious in her dances, which ebony finds very --- suitable --- to her own personality, AND ---fitting for a kajira of the jungle!
Schendi Heat to Follow
Theme of the Main Event is "Schendi Heat"
Which can be looked at from many ways...Think of the tropics...Jungles...major import export city of over a million folks..The girls was reminded that they will be dancing in Utukufu square in the middle of schendi, a huge city, and was asked to try to keep a connection...Schendi is found in Explorers of Gor Book 13
my Master said that in his opinion....that "certainly a dance can be a type of dance,submission, chain, tether, etc and still have a theme such as in this case Schendi Heat"
Dance Rules...
10 min time limit...props are allowed...the dancers get to choose their own music
There will be 3 judges
There will be prizes awarded to all girls...5000L for first...2500L for second...1250L for 3rd.. and 500L for the remaining girls