On some level everyone realizes that art is an integral part of Gor. Always has been, but even more so now in Second Life. In celebrating our four years here, we realize the importance of art to every aspect of Schendi.

Mindful of this, we felt it essential to make an honored place for art and artists in the weekend's program.

As things stand, we have lined up some exciting works to display on Saturday Morning, June 5.

If you are interested in showing your art, be it a painting, drawing or sculpture please contact us for more info.
so far we have about 16 different artists to display..some in SL some out of SL...they will line the streets of Schendi during the whole anniversary weekend...there will be a 2 hr special showing of the art on Saturday Morning from 11am SLT to 1pm SLT...

Each artist will have their own the sign at the display will be a notecard with something about the artist and maybe a LM to their shop...depending on what the artist prefers...

During this time frame..there will also be a tour of Schendi...and a M/s radio theme show...